Feil på bruktbil

Publisert: 19.04.2023

12.05.22 I've bought 5yo mercedes for almost 360 000 NOK from firma. 02.01.23 I couldn't start the car. I called my insurance (I pay super kasko)so they took it to verksted. After 3 months they found some electrical problem cost of reperasjon 83 000 NOK. Insurance refused to cover it! I contacted seller, he told they probably can fix it cheaper but he said it's still me who have to pay for reparasjon. He only sells premium cars and given me 1 month warranty. I'm 4th month without a car. Any hope for me?


Yes, you can contact Forbrukerutvalget and deliver a complaint.

Med vennlig hilsen, advokat Ida Helene Braastad Balke

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